Sunday, March 29, 2009
Slide Anyone or maybe a lil Tee Ball??

Monday, March 23, 2009
To the peds office we go!
We headed off the pediatricians office this morning. Cutter has been doing much better. We were sent home from the ER with oral steroids and antibiotics. Dr. Chinn is with me and thinking that he had some type of allergic reaction to something in the air. I asked to do an allergy test today, but she said due to the amount of steroids in his system it wouldn't come back with any information. Cutter has his 15 month check-up on Monday, so we will do the blood work for allergy screening then. If it comes back normal, we will have to wait awhile to do a prick test. They don't do prick tests on toddlers. At today's visit, Cutter was wheezing so we will rule out asthma at the next appointment as well. We are continuing to do the breathing treatments and will wean him off every 3 days.
Another week of waiting to do blood work to see what in the world this little man is allergic too. I am glad to know that I trusted my instincts and started the breathing treatments immediately, that is what probably saved us from having to call an ambulance.
I'm glad my little man is better!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A Day at the ER!
Saturday March 21: After coming from playing outside,we sat down to have lunch and then started to relax for a nap when I noticed he was breathing rapidly (we counted 56 breaths a minute at this point). Kind of like he had just gotten done running a marathon, but we had been in for 45 minutes. We gave 3 breathing treatments at home before making the decision to head to the ER. By the time we got to the ER his breathing was down to 40 breaths a minute, which is still high. They ordered a chest x-ray and while we waited for the results, his pulse ox got better. They gave 2 oral doses of steroids and a shot of antibiotics. We still don't have a def diagnosis. We are heading to the pediatricians office on Monday.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mullins Triplets! Prayer Request!!
Calling all my family and friends to pray for the Mullins Triplets!!
Aubrey Lyn - 3 lbs 14 inches
Brightyn Lee - 3 lbs 15 inches
Gage Aiden - 2lbs 10oz 13 inches
Aubrey and Brightyn are doing great! Aubrey is off the ventilator and Brightyn should be coming off this morning!
Gage was welcomed into the gates of Heaven with his Nana waiting! I know she is enjoying rocking and singing sweet songs to him!
Please pray for:
Aubrey and Brightyn as they continue to show strength and are doing great!
Brian and Katie as they mourn the loss of a son and praise the Lord for their beautiful daughters.
Katie to heal well and get back on her feet so that she can spend time with her gorgeous daughters!
Much Love,
Monday, March 16, 2009
First Push-Up!
It is FINALLY warm outside, so Cutter, his cousin, Emilee and I sat outside and ate their first push-up!! It was so fun to watch them try to figure out how to work one!We started the day off by going to "Bounce U", a place similar to Pump It Up, Emilee enjoyed it but the slides there were just too big for Cutter, so we only spent an hour there.
Cutter really enjoyed his first push-up and I really enjoyed watching him eat it!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday, Abbey!!
We had a busy weekend! On Sunday, March 8, Abbey turned 2!! She was a great birthday girl! We had a great time spending the day with her at her "Dora" birthday party! Cutter loves singing "Happy Birthday". He was sitting on Daddy's shoulders as we sang the birthday song to the birthday girl! What a great participant!!
At Abbey's Birthday there was a BIG moon walk, Cutter loved every minute of it! He had such a great time and Abbey did such a great job of sharing her moon walk when she wasn't in it!! :)