Thursday, January 31, 2008

Trouble is my middle name!

He's been sleeping ALOT lately - doesn't sound like trouble does it? But he's been sleeping alot during the day! I see a milestone come soon. Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Alligator Love!

I've been slacking on the photo taking lately, but here is something to tie you over!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Can you see me in my Camo?

Thanks to Uncle Raymond for the outfit!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mr. Irresistible!

He is my Mr Irresistible and he is a month old! Oh so cute!! He is really starting to change his looks and fill out, I just love those cheeks!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Our photoshoot!

Cutter and I had a photoshoot today! I took over 200 pictures. These are the best ones. It's pretty easy to have GREAT photos when the subject your shooting is so cute!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cutter meets Papa Nix

With Richard out driving when Cutter was born, he got to meet his namesake just a few weeks later.

Papa and Cutter

The "three" Allens: Gregory Allen, Cutter Allen and Richard Allen

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cutter - 3 weeks

Monday, January 14, 2008

BFF Forever

So when Greg and I found out we were pregnant we were so excited! We told everyone in our neighborhood, we became super excited when the famlily down the street told us they were expecting also, her due date: 2 days after us!! A built in best friend.

Wyatt decided that he wanted to be older than Cutter. He was born Dec 25. So we got them together as soon as we could to get their first pictures taken together. We plan to use them in their yearbook when they graduate! Let's hope they are best friends!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

McKenna comes to visit

After my family left McKenna came to meet her newest cousin! She was out of town when he was born!

We have visitors!

My mom and my sisters are here to meet Cutter! They are so excited to meet the newest little member of our family. He's the first boy and is sure to be spoiled!!

Aunt Katie getting some kisses from Cutter

GG and her only grandson!

Emilee loves her Cutter! She walks around asking where "her" Cutter is! So CUTE!!

We all have one! I can't believe our family has grown so much!!
Abbey isn't quite old enough to hold Cutter but she was very interested in what he was doing!

Emilee making cookies with Uncle Greg! They were yummy!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cutter - 2 weeks and a trip to the doctor

Our little guy is 2 weeks old. He is sleeping about 3 hours, we are adjusting well to the new sleep schedule he has created for Greg and I.

Also, I had my 2 week check up, I am recovering nicely. I took Cutter with me so we could get some pictures of him and the doctor. I feel like I owe him everything, he helped bring the love of my life into the world.

Cutter and Dr Greebon

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Cutter loves looking at Daddy

A new use for the boppy!

Monday, January 7, 2008

New Camera

Since I got a new camera for Christmas I have been taking numerous pictures and trying to figure out how to take different style of pictures! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cutter and Daddy

He loves to SLEEP

He must be a Homan...

...or maybe thats just what babies do! I'll figure it out soon, I guess!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

First Bath!

Cutter's umbilical cord fell off so we were able to give him his first bath. He liked it!

Most of the time....

Nothing better than a fresh bathed baby!

Friday, January 4, 2008

I love mommy!!

He loves his MOMMY!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cutter's a week old!

Our little man is one week old!!


and sleeping....

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

We spent new years eve in the hospital! Cutter has jaundice! Hopefully we will be home tomorrow! :(

Yesterday I had to take Cutter in to the peds office for a jaundice check! When we left the hospital on sunday his level was 13 and at the peds office on Monday it was 18! Nobody had any bili lights we could rent, so back to the hospital we went. I'm not happy! But hopefully soon it will all be just a memory!