Cutter's first Halloween was a complete SUCCESS!! We had a fun filled day of things to do.
We were invited to a Mom2Mom group by Lil O's Mom! We had a great time. Several moms took advantage of a mom with a wonderful camera and very good talent! Cutter wasn't in the best of moods, but she did a great job with what she had to work with! Thanks Kathy!Our next stop was to Cutter's sitters house, but we got there a little late for the pumpkin painting so we just sat and watched the others eat yummy, green iced cupcakes! Maybe next year Cutter will get to enjoy one with them.
Shoo, are you tired yet, from our fun filled day? Well it ain't over yet! No time to nap at home, so it is cat naps in the car! (And I expect a half way decent kid to go trick or treating, what am I thinking!!)
Well, those cat naps worked, cause once we got home I had a totally different boy than what I had at the play date! This boy totally hammed it up for camera - with his costume and hat on! Enjoy these pictures, I couldn't pick which one I wanted to post so I just decided to post them all!!Cutter loved going trick-or-treating. He hit up about 3 houses, before Mommy called it quits. Mommy felt a little funny getting candy for a baby who couldn't even eat it!
So after a few houses, we were back at our house helping Daddy hand out candy. We got lots of oooo's and awwww's at how cute Cutter looked in his costume! I would agree with them 110%.
Finally, we were back in the house and Cutter loved, loved checking out all the loot he got! Actually he only got about 6 pieces, but he knew exactly what to do with those 6 pieces. Put. It. Right. In. His. Mouth. And I didn't even get a chance to check it, good thing he didn't get to "eat" it!!
Happy Halloween!
It was great to meet you too! Cutter is just so cute--what an adorable little spider!! The costume was great! You has some wonderful pictures. So glad y'all had a fun Halloween! :)
Oh, by the way, I totally forgot to add Cutter's picture to my blog, so I put it in there. Hope that was OK!
So fun!!!! Glad you all had a good time and glad that he hammed it up for the costume photo shoot at home!! Had fun with y'all!
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