**Sorry for the delay in Diary: Day6, I was having technical issues getting the pictures to upload. Either I or Blogger fixed the issue, not quite sure which one, anyway it is fixed and I am able to post pictures now**
Day 6 of our trip left Cutter feeling under the weather, I think due to allergies, since we had visited the farm the day before. Cutter and I relaxed at home, while the Grandma's went to visit an old friend. Greg went golfing, at a one of a kind golf course.Gateway Cities Golf Club is the only golf course where when you tee off and your ball lands an hour later! It is only a nine hole course and only a 2 minute golf cart ride from the house, so Greg was back relaxing with Cutter and I in no time.
It also has one-of-a-kind SAND greens! Yes, you read that right, sand greens. Greg was unsure of how to play on them, as no one was able to go play with him that day. The sand greens are treated with motor oil so that the sand doesn't blow away. It is compacted into the ground, which in turn, makes it hard.
You are supposed to use these tools to drag a line from your ball to the hole and then rake out the line. Greg had a hard time trying to use the tools, but did the best he could. He had a great time and scored at 45! Hey, no one was looking, except Scott!!
After Greg got done golfing and Cutter and I got up from our nap we took another trip into town. Aunt Bette wanted to treat Greg and I to dinner for our 3rd anniversary! Everyone in the family was invited and we had a great time, mingling and eating! Greg had started to feel a little sick himself, so our dinner was cut short. We also had to get up very early in the morning to head back home and we still had some packing to do.
Since Greg and I departed dinner early, the family gathered back at Aunt Bette's house to wish a safe drive home. It was so sad to see everyone for one last time. We had such a great visit and it went by so fast! I couldn't believe that we were already saying goodbye, when it felt like we had just said hello!
It was way past Cutter's bedtime, but he was the hit of the vacation and I didn't want to leave without them saying goodbye! Dorna did the honors of feeding Cutter before he went to bed.
Cathie and Cutter, she loves Cutter so much. He was amazing with everyone and just fit right in!
Part of the Davis crew! I wasn't on my game and forgot to get a picture of the whole family!
Aunt Bette and Cutter before bed time! Aunt Bette was a great hostess, we will definitely be back!
Before leaving on our long trip back to Texas! We had planned to get up early in the morning and get on our way before day light, but Cutter had other plans. He decided to use Thursday morning as the first morning to sleep in. He let us sleep til 7:30, so we got a late start!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Diary: Day 6 - Just relaxing!
at 10:03 PM
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