Cutter and I went to the pumpkin patch yesterday. We will be going back on Saturday with Daddy! Out of all the pictures I took, this is the best one! Ughhhhh...Note to self: Do not attempt to go to the pumpkin patch by yourself, have the distraction of those colorful, makes you just want to touch, round things (which your child loves) and expect good pictures!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Happy Fall, Y'all!!

Cutter playing by himself! Everyone else wanted out, not my lil man, he was just fine playing with all those toys! What a good boy!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Baby Jail!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Just a swingin'
After we got home from our trip to Canada, Cutter needed some outside time, so we took him to the park. Stephanie and I met up and took the boys out for a little sunshine! Cutter loved the swings. And the merry-go-round. And the slide! What can I say, this boy loves to be outside!!After the swing, we got on the slide! Of course Cutter couldn't go down by himself, so I went back a few years and got on the slide with him. Growing up the side was one of my favorite things to play on, I hope that Cutter enjoys it as much as I did!
Then it was time for the merry-go-round! I never really cared for it, since I have a weak stomach, but Cutter seems to like it. He did really well and hung on while we spun it, slow of course!
Cutter and Wyatt play really well together. They are all smiles on the merry-go-round!
The boys on what we think is a "newer" version of the monkey bars. It looked more like a spider!
We packed a lunch for the boys and had a picnic after all the fun we had. We went early enough in the morning that it was still pretty cool out, but by the time we got done, it was clear we needed to go. It was HOT and it was time for a nap!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Diary: Day 7 - Homeward Bound!
We were so sad to leave Canada! I was extremely SAD, that place is awesome. I didn't watch tv for a week, not even the news! Greg started out driving when we left, but soon the sickness came over him again and I had to take over the wheel. When we got to South Dakota, Greg pulled in to a McD's and we switched drivers! Cutter decided that he wanted a turn at the wheel, he did a great job a getting us home quickly! Seriously though, I drove most of the way home! I didn't mind. I love driving and sight seeing, even though I travel a lot, I don't always get to see the beauty of our country. I had a great time, just taking it all in. Greg and Cutter slept a lot of the drive home, due to not feeling well. Grandma was a great right hand man. She hasn't been in to Canada in 5-6 years and she could still tell me where to go, not even looking at a map!
Overall, our visit to Canada was AMAZING!! I can not tell you the gratitude I have and love that I feel for our "Canadian" family! We will most certainly go back, hopefully it won't be too far from now!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Diary: Day 6 - Just relaxing!
**Sorry for the delay in Diary: Day6, I was having technical issues getting the pictures to upload. Either I or Blogger fixed the issue, not quite sure which one, anyway it is fixed and I am able to post pictures now**
Day 6 of our trip left Cutter feeling under the weather, I think due to allergies, since we had visited the farm the day before. Cutter and I relaxed at home, while the Grandma's went to visit an old friend. Greg went golfing, at a one of a kind golf course.Gateway Cities Golf Club is the only golf course where when you tee off and your ball lands an hour later! It is only a nine hole course and only a 2 minute golf cart ride from the house, so Greg was back relaxing with Cutter and I in no time.
It also has one-of-a-kind SAND greens! Yes, you read that right, sand greens. Greg was unsure of how to play on them, as no one was able to go play with him that day. The sand greens are treated with motor oil so that the sand doesn't blow away. It is compacted into the ground, which in turn, makes it hard.
You are supposed to use these tools to drag a line from your ball to the hole and then rake out the line. Greg had a hard time trying to use the tools, but did the best he could. He had a great time and scored at 45! Hey, no one was looking, except Scott!!
After Greg got done golfing and Cutter and I got up from our nap we took another trip into town. Aunt Bette wanted to treat Greg and I to dinner for our 3rd anniversary! Everyone in the family was invited and we had a great time, mingling and eating! Greg had started to feel a little sick himself, so our dinner was cut short. We also had to get up very early in the morning to head back home and we still had some packing to do.
Since Greg and I departed dinner early, the family gathered back at Aunt Bette's house to wish a safe drive home. It was so sad to see everyone for one last time. We had such a great visit and it went by so fast! I couldn't believe that we were already saying goodbye, when it felt like we had just said hello!
It was way past Cutter's bedtime, but he was the hit of the vacation and I didn't want to leave without them saying goodbye! Dorna did the honors of feeding Cutter before he went to bed.
Cathie and Cutter, she loves Cutter so much. He was amazing with everyone and just fit right in!
Part of the Davis crew! I wasn't on my game and forgot to get a picture of the whole family!
Aunt Bette and Cutter before bed time! Aunt Bette was a great hostess, we will definitely be back!
Before leaving on our long trip back to Texas! We had planned to get up early in the morning and get on our way before day light, but Cutter had other plans. He decided to use Thursday morning as the first morning to sleep in. He let us sleep til 7:30, so we got a late start!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Cancel a phonebook!! ~GO GREEN~
GO GREEN and CANCEL a phonebook!! You don't need them, you have the internet. They stack up in a closet or cabinet. Cutter will be using ours as step stools!! :)
Cancel a Phone Book Millions of phone books hit American doorsteps unsolicited every year, to the tune of more than 19 million trees. If you don't want yours, join the 10,000+ already saying "no thanks" at the new (click on opt-out at the top).
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Diary: Day 5 - A "Day" at the Farm
Our "day" at the farm was really only about 2 hours. I think that's good. Good, considering it was raining some of the time and it got really cold. Cutter and I stayed in the truck most of the time, but when we arrived at the barn, which was our first stop, it was still nice out. So, we got out, took some pics and got some much needed fresh manure air!
Cutter wasn't quite sure was to think about being put inside this tire. But after about 30 seconds he thought it was kinda cool and started laughing.
That big tire belongs to this big thing!
<-------------- And that thing is called a combine and it can harvest a lot of acreage, in a short amount of time. Boy, farming sure had changed. It has an air conditioner and even a heater! Which is much needed in Canada. Greg took a tour of the combine and we were hoping to get to harvest some, but with the rain, we were unable to. Greg wants to take a trip back, which we plan to do anyway, but next time he really wants to go harvesting. I told Gene that Greg is free labor so he needs to use and abuse him. But if he does that, Greg may not want to go back; so I better rethink that idea!
That horse in the background, it is the first horse Cutter has ever seen. He laughed and he laughed at the horse. I guess he thought that it looked funny! It was pretty funny horse, as funny as a horse can be! He came up and sniffed Cutter's hand, I wish we had thought about bringing him some carrots, bread, or something yummy, but I didn't plan that well!
Our next stop at the farm took us to a natural spring where the cows get their water. Here is little known fact for all the city people out there; Did you know that cows need salt in their diet? If it is not available they will lick rocks and such until they get what their bodies need, most farmers will place salt blocks by their water source to insure that they get what they need.
Gene owns several thousand acres, so we could have been gone literally all day, but he picked the best places for us to go and get the best picture of what farming is like. We drove around in several different pastures, just looking and talking. Not much farming going on when we were there.

When I was little, Leslie and I used to be pen pals. I loved getting mail (I still do) and it was extra special when Leslie would send me something. It had been about 8 years since I last saw both Lauren and Leslie, so it was nice to get a chance to hang out and catch up on what is going on in their lives. Lauren married Warren #1, just 2 weeks after Greg and I got married, in Maui. Can I just say that she was one beautiful bride with a gorgeous setting! They just bought some land and have started farming also. Lauren and Warren are waiting on the babies, they have a big house being built and want it to be done before they start working on additional family members (Sorry, Cathie I tried. I thought maybe Cutter being so good would fool her, but it didn't.) Leslie met Warren #2 a few years ago and they have been dating since. I think I may have heard some wedding bells, but Warren #2 just started his own First Aid/CPR training business; so they are waiting for that to take off and then I think we may be hearing them a little louder! Also, while we were there, their sister Nicole, met someone named Warren also! Just friends, but I nicknamed him "Tres" as in #3. It is a big family joke and I wanted to be apart of it!!

Warren #2 and Cutter

Cathie, Mommy, Oma and Aunt Bette
I love my family!
Day 6 keeps Cutter and I at home relaxing and Greg goes to the golf course!! Yes again, but this one is special. Stay tuned!