Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!!
I can't say enough how much I love my son's dad! We spent most of the weekend working on Baby Girl's room. She will be here before we know it and we just had to get started on it, we are running out of weekends. The summer tends to be our most busiest time of the year and fitting in time to get it done has been hard, but we did it. And it looks AMAZING!! I will post pics later once we put the finished touches on it.
I had planned on making a big breakfast for Daddy when he woke, but he told me not to and we made plans to go to brunch with Papa Nix, Aunt Mel, Uncle D and Aunt Lindsey! I let Daddy sleep in, but Cutter knew better and was just banging at the door to go in, so I handed Cutter daddy's gift and he made his way in. He crawled on the bed as fast as he could and handed it over. Cutter knows just how to make someone feel special and he did it this morning. A big hug and kiss and Daddy was ready to start his day.
We miss Papa Homan sooooo much!! Papa made his way back to Iraq last month, but I had this photo that I hadn't posted yet. Happy Father's Day Papa, we hope you had a GREAT day and were able to get some sleep!! Love you to the moon and back!!