Cutter's 1st Christmas was amazing! He was such a good boy this year, so Santa brought him lots of fun toys! Our morning started out early, Cutter had us up at 7 am! Not bad, it could have been earlier.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Day '08
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Happy Birthday to My Little Monkey!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
We went and had Cutter's official Christmas and Birthday pictures taken! I guess since both fall at the same time, I am going to have to make an effort to go around June/July to get some taken. He has changed so much since his 6 month pictures. I had such a hard time picking out the photos, he is such a little doll and was in full cooperation mode. Here are the best ones, and yes it was hard to decide which ones to get, but I did my best. ENJOY!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
~Please excuse the first squeal you hear! I'm ebarrassed to say that's me trying to get him to squeal, I promise you don't have to hear it again during the video!!~
Monday, December 15, 2008
Spaghetti with Santa!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
This is how my kids rolls!
Yeah, I said it - this is how my kid likes to roll. I am not quite sure where he got this quirkiness from but this isn't the first time he has done it and gotten aggrivated at it! What is "it", you ask?? Well see for yourself....
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Cutter walking!
I got some video of Cutter walking! Sorry that it is going the wrong direction! I know better next time! I will try and get some better video. This one was shot 3 days ago and he has gotten so much better and going longer distances! Oh wow, now I have my hands full!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
While waiting outside in the chilly weather, we had Cutter all bundled up! He looked so cute in his beanie and new jacket!
The elves stopped by to see all the excited children, one stopped to get a photo with Cutter! The elves are all volunteers and live on the train for the month that the train is on tour. They help set up in each new city they stop at.
Before we jumped on the Kansas City Holiday Express we stopped for a family photo! We were super excited to get into some warm tempatures!
Cutter would NOT sit on Santa's lap, so Greg had to stand with him next to Santa. Look closely and you can see that Cutter is holding on to Daddy for dear life! O'well maybe next time!
On the way out of the last train car, we were met with this sign to let us know that our tour was over! Well worth the wait!! Hopefully they will come back every year, we enjoyed seeing the toy trains that they had set up inside the cars, but we especially enjoyed seeing Santa!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Giving Thanks!
Well somehow my original Giving Thanks post wasn't there when I posted it! ERRRR..
So here is the short version, when I get more time, I will update more with pictures!
Short Story: Cutter slept through an amazing Thanksgiving Dinner! Then we went outside to get some photos of the kiddos. It went ok, most of the time Emilee and Abbey were walking away from a crawling Cutter!
And the super CUTE photo of my little man!! He is just so gorgeous! I love him so much!
Today Cutter decided to entertain us with the idea that he may be waddling around the house by Christmas. He took about 5-7 steps in between Greg and I on his own. Was my camera near by to capture the spectacular moment? NO! I wasn't expecting it, so it was even close to me. Maybe I will be able to get some photos of the little man on the move tomorrow!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Star Topper!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Learning to walk?
Friday, November 28, 2008
All by himself!
We are teaching Cutter how to feed himself with a fork. So far he is doing pretty good and he is pretty proud of himself too. Check out these photos to see for yourself.
I want that!
I put the food on the fork and he puts the fork right into his mouth, without even missing the target! No mommy! NO MORE PICTURES!!
See I can do this myself!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Problem solver or Dog watcher?
I can't decide if Cutter has become a problem solver or if he is watching our dogs waaaaayyyyyy too much! About 2 or so months ago, Cutter found a new way to carry a toy from point A to point B. It has taken me this long to get a decent picture of it, because every time I would get the camera he would drop it. Almost like he didn't want any evidence that this was happening. We are in the process of trying to teach him that not everything has to go into his mouth. (Yeah, I know, good luck) However, we having much success with it. The items that Cutter seems to want to put in his mouth have been cut in half and are often soft things, such as a stuffed animal or soft toy. We are still working on it, and it is a work in progress, as is everything we are teaching him.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Corn on the COB!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A BOX of fun!
Why is it that the box is always so much more fun than the stuff that comes in it! In this case, it was Pampers box, but still Cutter had a great time playing in, around and on top of the box! Daddy had a great time spinning Cutter around in the box. The box occupied their time long enough for me to get some stuff done in Cutter's room! What fun on a lazy Sunday!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Laugh Out Loud!
Cutter loves to laugh. Sometimes he sits in the middle of the living room and just starts laughing. Not just any kind of laugh, but a full on belly laugh - the kind that makes you want to join him. Greg and I haven't quite figured out if he is laughing at us, our pareting skills, the dogs, or just because he wants too. It doesn't really matter, because we just turn to each other and laugh back at him! Maybe that is what he wanted - us to laugh at him! Anyway, the kid is just as cute as can be - I'll laugh with/at him any day! Not much happening in the Nix house (besides the laughing episodes). Sorry that the post have been kind of boring lately. I figure you come here to see the pretty (I can still call him that, right?) little man anyway, so why write much when the picture pretty much explains itself! If anything new happens, I'll let you know! ~Kristie
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
OK, so I decided I couldn't wait til after Christmas to get a new laptop - so I am the proud new owner of a Dell Inspiron 1525! YEA, for me! I haven't installed the photo software yet, but once I do, I have some pretty cute photos for you!! First time eating spaghetti, a soapy mohawk and just monkeying around photos, are just some ideas of whats to come!
With those kind of hints - who wouldn't come back for more! I know ya do, so check back tomorrow night and see what Cutter has been up too!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Broken :(
OK so my 50 year old dinosaur of a laptop has called it quits on me! I am crying tears of saddness.
What am I going to do? I loved that thing!
I am working on Greg's work laptop write now, but he doesn't bring it home during the week. I am going to take mine to the laptop vets tomorrow and see if it is worth saving, if not, it may not be until after Christmas when I get a new one. I know that it is nothing serious, it has to do with the power to the laptop, so hopefully (keep your fingers crossed) it won't take much to fix.
My dino has been through it all and has visited almost every airport/hotel in the United States. Computers age like dogs, every year is really 7 years, and I have had mine for almost 7 years! So that makes mine going on 49 years! YIKES, thats old for a computer. I haven't been in a complete hurry to get a new one, because truthfully, this one has done what I needed to do - get on the internet, trade trips for work and load pictures.
My point in posting that I am laptopless is that I may not get to post very often and if I do post there may not be any pictures. Tomorrow after I take the dino to laptop vets, I'll know more!
Until then I am going to go cry into my pillow!!
Oh and today was my birthday, so happy birthday to me! Today you became laptopless! :( But, I did get breakfast in bed, delivered by my lil man with the help of my big man!! :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Pumpkin Patch, Take 2!
This is about as good as our Take 2 pumpkin patch pictures got! Cutter was once again uncooperative, even though this time Stephanie and Wyatt went with us.Someone please, please tell me this is a phase. I don't know what I am going to do if I have a kid that doesn't like his picture to be taken! I am talking in future tense, because I am holding out hope that it is just a phase!
Wyatt, on the other hand, was definitely in the mood to have his photo taken! Here is one of many photos that turned out super cute!!
You will be glad to know that I am giving up on better pumpkin patch pictures for this year, the ones I have aren't bad, I just wanted better!! I am still holding out hope for next year!