We switch practice facilites and can now be found at www.thenixteam.blogspot.com!!
Come over for a visit and join our fan club!!!
See you there!!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
We've moved!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Whew...where have we been???
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Well, we have been busy preparing for baby girls arrival!! This weekend my two fabulous sister-in-laws and mother-in-law gave me an amazing "sprinkle". I was overwhelmed by the graciousness of my family and friends that are just as excited as we are to welcome our baby girl into the world!!
Once again, I'm apologizing for NOT being a good blogger and getting updates on here!! I have been trying to keep Cutter and myself busy this summer. We have just 3 short weeks left before we welcome our baby girl into the world and we are trying to take in every minute we can together; trying to spend as much time indoors and at the pool as possible!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!!
I can't say enough how much I love my son's dad! We spent most of the weekend working on Baby Girl's room. She will be here before we know it and we just had to get started on it, we are running out of weekends. The summer tends to be our most busiest time of the year and fitting in time to get it done has been hard, but we did it. And it looks AMAZING!! I will post pics later once we put the finished touches on it.
I had planned on making a big breakfast for Daddy when he woke, but he told me not to and we made plans to go to brunch with Papa Nix, Aunt Mel, Uncle D and Aunt Lindsey! I let Daddy sleep in, but Cutter knew better and was just banging at the door to go in, so I handed Cutter daddy's gift and he made his way in. He crawled on the bed as fast as he could and handed it over. Cutter knows just how to make someone feel special and he did it this morning. A big hug and kiss and Daddy was ready to start his day.
We miss Papa Homan sooooo much!! Papa made his way back to Iraq last month, but I had this photo that I hadn't posted yet. Happy Father's Day Papa, we hope you had a GREAT day and were able to get some sleep!! Love you to the moon and back!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
After many attempts to upload several photos, I gave up! I did not, however, give up on uploading this super cute photo of our little man! We have been enjoying the Spring weather and spending lots of time outside. On Sunday, Greg and Cutter worked out in the yard. I have several cute photos of Cutter helping Greg move the sprinkler and him getting wet. He even took a break and laid out in the back of the tractor, but once again I couldn't get that photo uploaded.Cutter is talking up a storm. One of his cute new things is to tell the dogs to "TOP IT" when they are barking! He knows his momma and daddy can't hardly take the barking and we have taken to telling the dogs to "stop" when they do it. Cutter has decided to pick up on this and will tell any animal that is making noise to "top it". It is sooo cute, although I might not be thinking that in a few months.
I am starting my maternity leave on June 15, and I can't wait!! I am so excited to be getting to spend this special time together with Cutter before the new baby arrives. I hope that it doesn't hurt us. We are getting to spend this time together, however Cutter is used to me being gone. Hopefully, he won't get used to this one on one time and then be super depressed when the baby comes. I do have some hope though, we have spent this past week at my sister's house helping her transition into being a family of 4 and Cutter was extremely SWEET to baby Maycee. Several times he leaned in to just check her out, take a look, make sure she was doing ok and then walked away and did his own thing. BUT, we didn't bring her home with us, so I don't know if I can really use that to judge how he is going to handle it all. I am sure he will adjust, but I am just trying to prepare myself for his rejection.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Maycee Alynn Eden
Welcome the newest addition to my extended family! Maycee Alynn Eden made her appearance on the last day of May, May 31. Emilee is so excited to be a BIG sister! She even mentioned a few times that she is Cutter's BIG sister and asked when Cutter was going to get his "own" big sister! Too Cute!! We are in Cove spending some time with Emilee - taking her to school, picking her up and going to the hospital. Katie thinks she will be out sometime tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Painting Party!
We were invited to go to a painting play date today! The weather was perfect, the set-up was perfect and my little artist was ready to go! I tell ya - Cutter might have a future in painting! He was so excited to get that brush dirty and put it to paper!
One little issue we may have - he didn't care for the paint to be on his hands AT ALL!! Not even a little bit. He did a wonderful job, but it was short lived and he headed for a different interest...
The cozy coupe!!!! Every chance Cutter gets to play in one, he does! He loves this car, I think I may need to invest in one!! :)
After a few more trips to the painting board, Cutter's final masterpiece was just that "A Masterpiece"!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
WOW!! 2 weeks to be exact and I am TRULY sorry, although I haven't heard anyone complaining!! ha ha
I forgot my camera in my home town so all the new pictures that I have on the camera are currently in route to my house via UPS!
I had a GREAT Mother's Day! We (Cutter and I) spent the first part of the day driving home from Cove, but the afternoon was spent with the two most important people in my life, Greg and Cutter (if you were wondering)!! Waiting for me when I got home was a card from Cutter and Greg and a special James Avery charm for my braclet. I can't wait to get it put on!! Sonic for lunch and an AMAZING steak for dinner topped off our night!
Once I get my camera back I will be back on my regular scheduled updates!! :)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
FIRST Fish!!
Yesterday we were invited out to the Roberson Ranch Party in Crumby, TX. I was excited to take Cutter since he had never really seen a cow or any other farm animal. Little did I know, the cows really wouldn't interest him, but FISHING, oh yeah now your talking!! Daddy and Cutter (Daddy not being much of a fisher himself) sat down for some much needed quiet time and much required patience. This little man must have been good luck! Daddy and Lil Fisherman only had to sit there for a few minutes before Daddy felt a tug at his line!
Cutter was patient enough as Daddy reeled in the big monster he had on the other end of the line. What had Daddy caught??
A little Brim fish! Daddy was oh so please with his "Big" catch! Cutter was as well.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Will you....
do me a favor and add this little guy, Stellan, to your prayers!?! He is a MIRACLE, diagnosed in utero with numerous heart issues, his parents were told he wouldn't survive. Several weeks later he was born with NO issues and was completely healthy until a month ago when he went into prolonged SVT. Last week he was flown to Boston, where is he being treated by an amazing pediatric cardiologist. Tomorrow he will undergo an ablation and he desperately needs all the prayers he can get; an ablation on an infant his size is very dangerous. MckMama is an amazing writer, so take a moment to familiarize yourself with their story and love for GOD! If you notice on the left hand side of her blog, she twitters and updates regularly so check back for updates!!
I started reading her blog after we found out that Cutter was having heart issues. Speaking of that, last week we had another echo cardiogram done on Cutter; when we went for his 15 month check-up our doctor noticed that his heart murmur sounded louder. She stated that sometimes right before the murmur closes, it gets louder and wanted us to double check just to be sure. Prognosis is that while it does sound loud, it doesn't look bad and has had little to no change from his 6 month echo cardiogram. Straight from the doctor's mouth: "This little guy has a GREAT looking ticker!" and I hope it stays that way too....